TL;DR: You can’t re-use subscribers, because they have a built-in subscription.

In RX, you have Observers, Subscriptions, and Subscribers:

  • Observer is just an interface with the onNext, onCompleted and onError methods.

  • Subscription is an interface with subscribe and unsubscribe methods.

  • Subscriber is a concrete class that implements both Observer and Subscription.

When you want to do something with a stream of events, you’ll generally require both an Observer and a Subscriber.

In a typical subscribe call, you pass in an Observer, and get back a Subscription.

subscription = observable.subscribe(
  { printLn("onNext") },
  { printLn("onCompleted") },
  { e -> printLn("onError: " + e) }

If you decide your observer logic needs to be reused elsewhere, you can extract the observer part into a separate variable:

observer = new Observer(
  { printLn("onNext") },
  { printLn("onCompleted") },
  { e -> printLn("onError: " + e) }

subscription1 = subject1.subscribe(observer);
subscription2 = subject2.subscribe(observer);
subscription3 = subject3.subscribe(observer);

This creates three separate subscriptions with common observer logic, which is probably what you intended.

However, if you extract your observer logic into a subcriber instance, you effectively get one subscription, and subsequent attempts to subscribe fail silently.

subscriber = new Subscriber(
  { printLn("onNext") },
  { printLn("onCompleted") },
  { e -> printLn("onError: " + e) }

subscription1 = subject1.subscribe(subscriber);
subscription2 = subject2.subscribe(subscriber);
subscription3 = subject3.subscribe(subscriber);